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Tips and Tricks for PC and Mobile...

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How to Connect A2DP Bluetooth Stereo Headset to your Laptop/desktop.??

The coolest Option lets you to connect both your laptop/desktop and Phone to the same headset.
Recently i have been thinking of  getting a new blue-tooth head set for my phone,and as you all know that the laptops have bluetooth pre installed , and even you can use the bluetooth devise for Desktop pcs as well.
Both PC's bluetooth and Phone's bluetooth use same frequency and are of same speed class, So it is a common sense to think ,Why cant i connect my phone's bluetooth headset to PC...???instead of buying separate head set for PC.
Some how i got it working with my friend's Motorola Motorokr S9-HD Bluetooth Stereo headset.

Disappointed About the Battery Life of Your New Phone? Dont worry here is the solution!!

Every time when a new device comes out, people are complaining about the battery life. It’s always the battery that gets the blame. On one side I do understand that – it is obviously quite frustrating when your battery doesn’t make it the full day –  but on the other hand it isn’t something new: you will soon notice that your older phones hold it much longer. XDA People call it as the “NEW GADGET SYNDROME” – the battery drains so quickly because you are intensively using the phone. Everyone wants to play with his new toy, and this will drain the battery very quickly.

Top 10 Best Smartphones Mid 2010 reviews-2

In my previous post i have mentioned couple of popular smartphone series....but since then things have changed drastically,The smartphone market is really taking off with many extremely compelling devices available all over the world. Check out my list of top 10 smartphones that have been announced or are currently available..!
This time i'm dealing with some really powerful devises...!!Some of them are even capable running desktop operating systems like Ubuntu..!!! I think now you are feeling the power of a real smart phone...:)

"Burn In" your new headphones to vastly improve the sound quality.

What is burn-in ? 
Generally,burn-in is the process for excising new audio equipment. Some high-end headphones require 100-400 hours burn-in to reach its "best state". In reality, many people noticed the sound quality improvement after burn-in process,,even me,I noticed drastic change in the sound quality and clarity, specially bass...with my Soundmagic pl-21 headphones...!!

SoundMagic PL-21, awesome IEM for $20 (Rs.900)...!!

SoundMagic PL-21/MP-21 Review
A few months back finding a ‘value for money’ IEM with exceptional sound quality in India was almost impractical. There was the mighty Creative EP-630 which was everyone's favorite, Other than that the only additional options we had were a few Sony, Philips lineup which really didn't sound all that great, barring a few models; ofcourse, Sennheiser was available as well and had a price tag which would empty your wallets.

Control your computer through SMS..!!

The most convenient way to control the PC/System, while you are not at home is controlling it by SMS. Not only Home it can be Office also, in a way you can say controlling the computer wirelessly or remotely. This feature can be widely implemented in the country like India where SMS cost are very cheap.

You can control tour PC through blue tooth but how to control it through SMS....???

Free Farmville Hacking tool/ Revised

There are millions of cheat and hack for Farmville on internet. But few seems to work, oops not few but very few! Also, many are distributing trojans, spywares and virus in the name of hacking application. Most of them are either fake or waste time. Keeping all those things apart, here I am going to explain about this working hack which is very useful for saving time.....
Well first, I'm going to tell you that there aren't many real cheats for Farmville that I know of, most of them are fake since it's not like they've got cheats built into it, e.g. Cheat Codes....

Zune HD vs New iPod Touch 3rd Generation

Zune HD vs iPod Touch

20 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs to Know

Your OS drives your whole PC experience, so it's your job as an enthusiast to keep it in a high state of tune.
After installing a new OS, most people just jump right in and start driving it through all their favorite applications and games. Makes sense, right? The problem, however, is that most people, even a lot of self-described power users, never take the time to really tune the new OS, exploring its menus and setting up the interface for the fastest, most convenient operation based on personal preferences. And as operating systems offer more and more user controls, it’s the curious, performance-minded enthusiast who has the most to gain from tuning an OS to his or her liking.

Top 10 touch phones in india,reviews-1

If you're looking for a touch-screen smart phone, however, you won't be lacking for choice..but that is the real problem here ,many dont know which phone will fit them better and they do need  some guidance ,so if you are one of them and willing to purchase a new touch phone and confused!! you are in rite place!!This post will help you to decide a phone of your interest. I've given the ranking based on my personal experience and opinion[...]

How To Update Firmware on SAMSUNG STAR / STAR 3G.

Hello Guys, this is my second attempt to make JAVA work on this phone. I was able to do this one also successfully with help of Dark Forest website!! :) Thanks Mate . (If you don't want to upgrade your firmware have a look at my previous post here)

OK so now the question is how to do the FIRMWARE UPGRADE & WHY TO DO IT?
Well for starters you can't INSTALL JAVA on STAR or any other samsung touch phones ....as you would do on any Nokia or Sony Ericsson phone .
Now if you haven't encountered any bug on the phone I'll mention some.

How To Install Java Games/Applications on Samsung Star/Star 3G

Hello to all the Frustrated users of "THE ALL NEW SAMSUNG STAR & STAR 3G". The reason you are on this page is because you were looking for a way out on HOW TO INSTALL Java Games / Applications I personally went thru a HELL trying to figure that out. I tried all the possible ways Google results had to offer... on this awesome phone.
Its not as simple as you think,,but don't worry i'll help you get through this....

5 Things You Never Knew Your Cell Phone Could Do ..!

There are some things you never knew your cell phone could do. Your mobile phone can actually be a handy tool in desperate times. Check out the things you can do with it.

What is SVCHOST.EXE ? and How to Remove this virus manually

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?
1.Your system becomes sluggish and you find that something called svchost or dllhost is taking nearly 100% of your CPU. 
2.Your system reports that svchost has performed an illegal operation and will be terminated. After that, various things fail to work properly, if at all. 
3.After you log in, your system automatically reboots in one minute

Mafia Wars Cheats and Tricks

So What Is Mafia Wars ?
The basic idea behind Mafia Wars is simple. Start your Mafia family, Run 3 kinds of crime business and eventually try to rule all of New York City. OK, great, so how do you do this? Well one of the biggest flaws in the game is there really is no guide or directions. Your kinda left hanging with this but, most people will pick it up pretty quick.

Tips for Buying a Desktop Computer

Like most consumers, you probably have an idea of how much you want to spend on a desktop. But how do you ensure that you get exactly what you need? The different range of configurations, and the seemingly constant arrival of new and faster technology all make for a difficult decision.In this post I’m going to go through the 6 main components that you need to worry about when choosing your dream machine and also the different things you’ll be looking for depending on your computer needs.

10 tips for buying a new laptop..!

 Is a new laptop on your shopping list? Whether you're shopping for someone else or for yourself (you've been especially good this year, right?), here are 10 things to keep in mind as you do your research and get ready to buy. From test driving potential PCs in the store, to knowing your warranty options and the store's return policy,this article we'll help you find the perfect laptop for you.

Computer Beginners Maintenance Checklist

"First, do no harm:" ie, don’t start your computer career by trying to delete everything, modifying the heck out of your registry, or racing around to various exotic tweak and tips sites that are all too easily, abundantly, and alluringly hailable, available, and accessible over the internet. You need to learn before you can truly 'tweak.' ;)

32 and 64 bit processors: what is the difference..?,what does it really mean..?

You might have heard or even used 32 bit and 64 bit processors.....But you still asking yourself, what difference does it makes...? what does it really mean.??  
Well Here is the answer
First, I’ll talk about the pure mathematics and structure of the processors that are involved here. I’ll keep this part short and sweet.  

FarmVille Cheat Codes

Farmville cheat codes are available for coins and experience as you play the game. Find cheats for Farmville throughout the page below. Listed within this page are the speed cheats, along with the fastest growing crops.
FarmVille is a social game developed by Zynga,
and available on social networks and iPhones.

20 Ways To Increase Laptop’s Battery Life

increase laptop battery lifeMobile computing has got better with lighter components, better chips and faster processors. But the Achilles heel of a laptop has remained its battery. 
So here are we are going to look at ways to increase laptop battery life.
Modern graphic intensive operating systems and resource hungry applications are cutting down the life of your laptop’s battery every day.

How to extend the battery life of your mobile?

Following are some simple tips show how to increase the life of your mobile....

1. When you buy a new mobile phone, use it until its total battery is drain out till the phone gets switch off. Then charge it fully and use it till the battery gets down before next recharging. This will ensure how your mobile functions. Do this every month for optimum performance of your mobile.

Tips to Protect Against Computer Viruses

When your computer gets infected with a virus it can be a devastating experience. A virus can consume your precious computer files and even damage your computer hardware. Is this worth ignoring? I don't think so! Anything you can do to avoid a computer virus has to be a good thing and is well worth spending your time on. We all know prevention is better than a cure so I am going to share my top 10 tips on how to protect yourself against computer viruses [....]

What is a Virus and how do I know if I have one?

There are some obvious symptoms that your computer will develop when it gets infected with a virus. But the first thing I have to mention is that if you had a decent antivirus program installed on your computer you would not have a problem. The virus programs now days are fantastic in crushing any chances of a viruses infecting your computer [....]

Internet Browser Software Review and Comparisons

Maintain your System healthy and error free

Maintaining your computer is the key to keeping it healthy and fully working and of course, fast. Windows 95 has most of the tools for maintaining your PC, but Windows 98 extends the possibilities and makes it even less of a hassle.  If you follow the list below and run the programs listed frequently, you will be guaranteed to have a maintained computer at no extra cost.

PC Security Tips

Hackers and Browser Hijacking is one area of the Net that affects everyone at some stage.In addition to having third party utilities such as SpyBot, Anti Virus scanners and firewalls installed there are some changes that can be made to Windows 2000/XP.Below are some details to make your system safer from hackers and hijackers.

Make Folder Invisible - Cool Computer Tricks

Do you have some confidental files want to hide them with other users then this trick is for you. by using this trick you can hide a folder without using any software just follow these steps:
1) Right Click on the desktop(or where you want to create invisible folder) and make a new folder.
2) Now rename the folder with a space (hold ALT key and type 0160).

Block and Enable usage of USB Removable Disks

This tip will allow you to block usage of USB removable disks, but will continue to allow usage of USB mice, keyboards or any other USB-based device that is NOT a portable disk.
Block usage of USB Removable Disks
To block your computer's ability to use USB Removable Disks follow these steps: [....]

Open and Close CD/DVD-ROM with 1 click - Cool Computer Trick

Here is trick to open cdrom in 1 click. For this you have to make a file which when clicked open cdrom. So to make that file follow given steps:

Right-click Extender for Windows 7 adds useful options to your context menu

The Windows right-click context menu is a tremendous time saver. When I introduce customers to it, they're typically amazed at how many tasks it can simplify

25 Most Interesting Computer Facts

Here is a collection of 25 Most Interesting Computer Facts featuring Funny Computer Facts,I nternet facts,virus facts and more Computer Fun Facts.
1. 80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women
2. Another name for a Microsoft Windows tutorial is 'Crash Course'!

How To Delete/Remove Khatra.exe/Xplorer.exe/gHost.e xe Virus from Your Computer?

How To Delete/Remove Khatra.exe/Xplorer.exe/gHost.exe Virus from 
Your Computer? This virus
has some symptoms when ever you try to open browser and search remove khatra.exe the browser will automatically close, you can’t  delete gHost.exe or Xplorer.exe which are created by the same virus as these processes will keep running.
Let’s discuss the removal procedure to delete khatra.exe or gHost.exe or Xplorer.exe virus

7 Clever Google Tricks Worth Knowing

Below I have compiled a list of 7 clever Google tricks that I believe everyone should be aware of.  Together I think they represent the apex of the grand possibilities associated with Google search manipulation tricks and hacks.  Although there are many others out there, these 7 tricks are my all-time favorite.  Enjoy yourself.

How to remove "newfolder.exe" and regsvr.exe or autorun.inf virus

 folder.exe virus
I well actually this virus pretty much impressed me because no Anti virus can kill it completely.. 
i was surprised that my most reliable friend Kaspersky, for the first time failed me in this war against viruses but then again avg and bitdiffender also failed against it. This virus is know popularly as regsvr.exe virus, or as new folder.exe virus and most people identify this one by seeing autorun.inf file on their pen drives, But trend micro identified it as WORM_DELF.FKZ. It is spreading mostly using pen drives as the medium.
Here is the process to remove this monster..!!!

Protecting against Viruses and Worms

The Internet is a great place to be, but it's also dangerous. Virus and worms are deadly cretins that can have adverse effects on your computer and your productivity. Here are a few pointers to help you prevent the invasion of virus and worms on your system.

Free software downloads for mobile

I recommned you to first check out what are the supported extension for your mobile or cellphone.
.jar and .jad format is supported by almost all mobile phones.Smartphone user can download the files in all the available formats.All the links given by us are only to free sites where you can download unlimited ringtones for free.If you know any other good site offering free downloads you can suggest that in our guestbook. If found good it will be updated to our site with your name as referal.

Some useful Mobile Tips

Free mobile tips for better handling and battery performance....
To check IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) of any mobile,   
On the main screen type *#06#
Information you get from the IMEI
    XXXXXX     XX     XXXXXX    X
        TAC      FAC       SNR     SP
TAC = Type approval code of your Nokia Mobile
FAC = Final assembly code of your cellphone
SNR = Serial number of your Nokia Phone
SP = Spare

Unlock your mobile

If your mobile phone is locked to particular sevice provider you can unlock it by entering the code you will get from the websites listed below.
If you know any other good site offering free downloads you can suggest that in our guestbook and if found good it will be updated to our site with your name as referal.

Protect Orkut Password

How To Protect Orkut Password and Remove Orkut Viruses

Orkut is always taking care of there user in there best way for this they Have Launched many services to protect orkut user so that there orkut account donot get infected from viruses, spyware, adware and other unwanted junk. To help prevent this from happening, Orkut recommend the following safe practices:

Turn On or Off Monitor using keyboard

If you are using a Desktop computer then it’s easy to turn On or Off your monitor screen. But still if you are lazy enough to stretch your hand to the monitor screen you can use one cool small app to make your life easier.
PushMoitorOff is a tiny app which allows you to control your monitor screen from your keyboard.

Hide the Partitions or drive..!!

This trick is for all those people who want to hide tons of data into their box. So here it is, if you have very important data in your hard drive placed in some partition which you do not want anybody to access then this trick is only for you!

Creating a desktop shortcut for locking your computer

>>If you use your computer in an area where others may have access to it, and there are things on your system you would rather have kept confidential, locking your desktop when you leave the computer is an essential task. Here's a recipe for a desktop shortcut that will lock your computer in two easy clicks:

Create A Hidden User Account in windows XP

For our own privacy purpose or say it for security we can maintain and Create A Hidden User Account under windows xp operating system.
This tweak allows an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome screen to be hidden from view. To log on using the account it's necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one in Windows 2000

Improve Windows XP Shutdown Speed

This tweak reduces the time XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.

Folder Options Missing??

Here is the solution:
Many of us sometimes find the folder options missing in windows explorer due to some virus or trojan effect.

How to change the product key for Office XP, for Office 2003, and for the 2007 Office system

You cannot change the product key for Microsoft Office XP, for Microsoft Office 2003, or for the 2007 Microsoft Office system without first removing and then reinstalling Microsoft Office.
To resolve this issue, follow the steps in this section.

Installing Windows7/Vista from USB(pendrive)

The method is very simple and you can use without any hassles. Needless to say that your motherboard should support USB Boot feature to make use of the bootable USB drive.

Forgot Windows password ? Easy way to Reset Windows login password..!


>First of all You need "Offline NT Password & Registry Editor", download it from here:


>Extract the zip file and there should be an ISO image file (cd??????.iso). This can be burned to CD using whatever burner program you like .Ex:power iso,magic iso etc.

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