The coolest Option lets you to connect both your laptop/desktop and Phone to the same headset.Recently i have been thinking of getting a new blue-tooth head set for my phone,and as you all know that the laptops have bluetooth pre installed , and even you can use the bluetooth devise for Desktop pcs as well.
Both PC's bluetooth and Phone's bluetooth use same frequency and are of same speed class, So it is a common sense to think ,Why cant i connect my phone's bluetooth headset to PC...???instead of buying separate head set for PC.
Some how i got it working with my friend's Motorola Motorokr S9-HD Bluetooth Stereo headset.
Every time when a new device comes out, people are complaining about the battery life. It’s always the battery that gets the blame. On one side I do understand that – it is obviously quite frustrating when your battery doesn’t make it the full day – but on the other hand it isn’t something new: you will soon notice that your older phones hold it much longer. XDA People call it as the “NEW GADGET SYNDROME” – the battery drains so quickly because you are intensively using the phone. Everyone wants to play with his new toy, and this will drain the battery very quickly.