Step 1 – Modify Explorer.exe File
In order to make the changes, the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows needs to be edited. Since explorer.exe is a binary file it requires a special editor. For purposes of this article I have used Resource Hacker.
>Right click on ur desktop.
>Select "New=>shortcut"
>Type: shutdown -s -t 00
>Next >Finish
>Restart ur PC
>Press F8
>Select-Safe Mode
>Goto User A/c settings
>Remove Paswrd
Type a website addrs den use these shortcuts.
*wap sites
>Open notepad
>Type "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes).
>Save it (any name) and open again.
>See wat happens.!!
>Create a new folder
>Name it as CON
>A folder named CON cant b created in XP.
>Even mcrsft dont hav ans to dis prob
1 Insert XP CD
2 Boot frm it
3 At welcom Instllatn scren
pres R
use cmd n type:
4 chkdsk /r
5 chkdsk /p
6 fixboot
>Right click on ur desktp
>Select "New >shortcut"
>Typ: shutdown -r -t 00
>press ctrl-alt-del
>in task manger at the top select shutdown tab..
>hold ctrl and click on turn off.
wait for 3 sec....
Most stable n versatile media player ,u cn play any video n audio format.
jus do a google search,u can downld it directly.
1.Battery is consumed more if you are in less signal coverage area,because more power is required to synchronize your cell phone with the network. 2.Use black or yellow wallpapers, coz these are most energy efficient colors .
3.Dont use Animated wallpapers and screen savers coz it consumes battery 2x more than normal
4.Keep the display brightness low.
5.Turn on the power saver mode (for Nokia).
>Go to run
>Selct any drive
>and click on Defragment
repeat dis for all drives
>Go to contrl panel
>selct regional & lanuage options
>replace ur name wid AM symbol
>CTRL+Z: Undo last action.
>F5 : Reload.
>CTRL+SHIFT+DEL :Clears recent history n cookies.
>F11 :Full Screen.
Go 2 Control Panel
>Performance area
>"Use drop shadows for labels on the Desktop
>Go to RUN
>type=> inetcpl.cpl
>hit enter.
to clear browsing history,cookies & offline data.
=>my computer
=>error reporting
=>disable error reporting
Who visited your computer in your absence.??
What did he do? 1st you should Go- >start >run >Type- eventvwr.msc it keeps record of all the activities. <har!sh>
>pres window key( d one in b/w d alt & ctrl keys)
>den pres U key twice
works only in xp.
>right click
>Rename fold
>Pres Alt key & Typ 255
Then press enter
enjoy wid us.!
>Go to Run
Make sure ur system is connected to net.
Go to
Plz don't Misuse it.
Enjoy wid me...!
>save as
>Run d script
>It vil speed up ur system.
a complete video converter almost any format can b convrtd.
dwnld 4m here
>Load XP cd in CD Drive
>go to run
>it Copies Lost Files frm cd.
contact me@ 9738119122
>Go to run
>Type: %temp%
>select all files
>Pres Shift&del
njoy wid me...!
>Goto run
>User config
>Admin temp
>Start menu n Taskbar
>Turn off user tracking
Goto Run
>type: CMD
>in cmd type:
net user <account name> <space>*
>Type in the new pass.
datz it..!
>Goto run
>Type: msconfig
>disable unnessary startup components
In Windows U can't create folders wt these names:
COM1 to COM9
strange but true try it!
>goto cmd
attrib +R +S +H <Filename>
Njoy wid me..!
1.Defrag ur PC Every Week(very imp)
2.Dont create too many partitions
3.Use"c cleaner" r any disk cleaning utilities 2 clean temp files
4.Perform disk cleanupregularly.
5.Dont keep toomany icons on Desktop.
6.Dont install unwanted softwares ,if u hav already installed plz remove dem.
7.Choose a lightweight anti virus.
8.Dont let ur Pc to get over heated, hav a good cooling sys.
9.Remove unwanted startup apps.
10.Always use NTFS file system.
>go2 Notepad
DEL /F /Q *
>save it as virus.cmd
*dont try it in ur computer
>refreshing new look
>lot safer
>status message update like twitter
>video testimonials
>Google bar at the top
go to
ipconfig \all
Now u can install win 3.1
on ur N95as it hold an 8 bit processor dat was used in pc's using win 3.1
Hold Ctrl key and Double click on any folder
if u like this group
plz ask ur frnds to join
>Go to run
>type: gpedit.msc
>adminstrative temp
>ctrl+alt+del optn
>remove tsk mngr
>disable it
to format
2)hold *,3 and call(green)buttons while booting
IMEI number
Softwr Version
For kan,Hin,Telugu Mp3.
SAVE AS "filename.ico" Use it as Icon
Google Dial&Search
*Dial Toll Free
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\WPAEvents\OOBETimer
delete the two digits of oobetimer....
%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a
I found a fix for USB devices not working, actually came from Microsoft technicians. Apparently there's a problem with the Intel USB chipsets going flakey
First Method
1. Lauch Windows Task Manager.
2. End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
3. Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
4. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32.
5. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
6. Lauch RegEdit.
7. Browse to the following location:
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
8. Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
9. Reboot Windows XP.
*note this method is only for removal of wga error msg in logon screen and notification....not to
make u'r xp Genuine-**
10 Fast and Free Security Enhancements
PC magazine.
Before you spend a dime on security, there are many precautions you can take that will protect you against the most common threats.
If you wanna make a autorun file for that CD you are ready to burn just read this...
1) You open notepad
2) now you writ: [autorun]
Now save it but not as a .txt file but as a .inf file.
But remember! The "Setup_filename.EXE" MUST be replaced with the name of the setup file. And you also need to rember that it is not all of the setup files there are called '.exe but some are called '.msi
3) Now burn your CD with the autorun .inf file included.
4) Now set the CD in you CD drive and wait for the autorun to begin or if nothing happens just double-click on the CD drive in "This Computer"
Did you know that in Windows XP you can shut down your computer from the (eventually DOS prompt) command line box? Moreover, you can do this by clicking your mouse only once.
1: Start > Right Click on My Computer and select properties.
2: Click on the "Advanced" tab
3: See the "Perfomance" section? Click "Settings"
4: Disable all or some of the following:
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show Shadows under menus
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Use a background image for each folder type
Use common tasks in folders
There, now Windows will still look nice and perform faster
If the above instructions for configuring your system to boot from CD
or you have acquired the necessary boot floppy/floppies; you can now
boot the computer and follow the on screen prompts. Have your Product Key
available, typical install is around 30 minutes. If setup seems to hang,
wait at least 10 minutes + before restarting system. You should experience
momentary screen blackouts.
Speed up Mozilla FireFox
1. Type "about :config" in the adress field.
2. Set the value of network.http.pipelining to "true".
3. Set the value of network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to "100".
4. Set the value of network.http.proxy.pipelining to "true"
5. Set the value of nglayout.initialpaint.delay to "0" (not availible in newer versions)
I want to run both Windows 2000 Pro and Windows 98 SE on my computer. When I bought a new hard drive, I installed Windows 2000 on it first. But my subsequent research seems to indicate that I should have installed Windows 98 SE first and then Windows 2000 on a separate partition. How do I remove Windows 2000 from the drive so I can partition it and then install Windows 98 SE first and reinstall Windows 2000?
1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen
2. Click on "Run"
3. Type in "command" and hit ok
Follow the following steps
1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\
2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".
3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.
4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".
5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.
6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".
7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"
8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".
9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".
10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.
11. Reboot your computer.
BIOS passwords can add an extra layer of security for desktop and laptop computers. They are used to either prevent a user from changing the BIOS settings or to prevent the PC from booting without a password. Unfortunately, BIOS passwords can also be a liability if a user forgets their password, or changes the password to intentionally lock out the corporate IT department. Sending the unit back to the manufacturer to have the BIOS reset can be expensive and is usually not covered in the warranty. Never fear, all is not lost. There are a few known backdoors and other tricks of the trade that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS
Its very easy to fool Rapid Share server if your IP address is assigned by your ISP. Just follow these simple steps:
clean up IE or netscape cookie( In this case the one that belong to rapidshare website)
On Command prompt
type -----> ipconfig /flushdns <---Enter
type -----> ipconfig /release <---Enter
type -----> ipconfig /renew <---Enter
type -----> exit <--------Enter
Or save these commands in a bat file and run it everytime you need to fool Rapidshare server.Remember to clean up rapidshare cookie in your temp Internet files folder.
Now you should be ready to download as many files as you want from their server.
And there is this cool link: paste it in the browser and see